Soal Memahami text prosedur, isi surat, dan ungkapan opini




Berilah tanda silang (X) pada salah satu pilihan jawaban yang paling benar !

How To Make Ice Cucumber


Materials that are needed

250 gram green cucumber

200 gram sugar

100 cc boiled water

Ice cube

3 glasses of water

How to make it:

Ø  Melt the sugar with 100 cc water until coagulated, separate.

Ø  Scrape pr plane green cucumber. Put it on a plate, add sugar and water. Then put distillation of water lemon, water, and add ice cube.

Ø  Serve it.

1.      What is taken from green cucumber?

A.    Its skin

B.     Its water

C.     Its sugar

D.    Its seed

E.     Its flesh

2.      What is the main purpose of the text above?

A.    To serve the cucumber juice

B.     To give information hoe to make ice cucumber

C.     To give information hoe to keep cucumber

D.    To give information about ice cucumber

E.     To show how to make cucumber juice

3.      Melt the sugar with 100 cm water until coagulated, separate. It is one feature of...

A.    The materials needed to achieve the goal

B.     The steps to accomlish the goal

C.     The goal of the activity

D.    The cause of the activity

E.     The procedur text

4.      Hayati Hutabarat says she has downright satisfaction in her position in the company. but what some other thing in life. There are still important to many women like married and children. Does Hayati regret not having time for this thing?

What things are still important to many women?
A. Position in the company
B. Satisfaction in career
C. Having time for children
D. Career in the company
E. Marriage and children

5.      Dina : I will ask Fito to repair my computer
Susi : do it. He knows nothing about computer
A. He's right person
B. Give a chance to him
C. You can ask him
D. It's necessary for him
E. it's imposible for him

6.      Komang          : .... It’s very hot here

           Maya               : Not at all. Here is the remote control.

A.    Do you mind if I turn the air conditioner on?

B.     How annoying is it if I turn the TV off?

C.     Excuse me, I need to switch off the radio

D.    I will show you how to put out the fire

E.     Do you mind if open the window?

My mother got me ready for school, then I had to wait for her to brush my hair and place every strand in just the perfect position. I had to show her my shoes that I had cleaned the night before and my school bag had to be neatly put on my shoulder before I could get near the door. Only after my mother was totally satisfied I would be allowed to rush out of the front door. I would leave home at 8 a.m. on the dot and make my way down the lane. After a walk of about 700 metres I would be able to see the tall steeple of the school. The playground would be full in the summer and the noise would make me want to rush into the yard and get into a good game of football before the bell went.

     7.  What do you think about the writer ?
          A. He was a junior high school student
          B. He was a student of a kindergarten.
          C. He was a senior high school student.
          D. He was an elementary student.
          E. He was a student of a college.

8. Tia : You look so sad. What has happened to you?
         Mia : My mother was angry because I came home late last night.
         Tia : Don’t be sad. You’d better ask for her apology and admit that you’ve done a mistake.

From the dialogue we know that Tia Mia.
A. an idea
B. advice
C. an opinion
D. a surprise
E. information         

      9. Salman : “May I borrow your calculator?”

           Ron : “….There’s something wrong with it.”

A. I apologize                            C. I am sorry to hear that                    E. I am pleased to hear that
B. I agree with you                    D. I am afraid you can’t

     10. You look a bit confused.  ________ I help you?

A.      might                                             C. could                                              E. can

B.       must                                             D  should 

     11. What is the plumber doing ?

A.    He is repairing the pump

B.      He is selling product

C.     He is making the furniture

D.    He is buying rice

E.     He is repairing long  machine

            12.Santi isn’t fat girl, she is …?

A.    Tall                                               C. beautiful                                         E. Clever

B.     thin                                                D. short 

            13.  X : your hair is too long for boy

            Y : yes, I want to cut my hair. Where should I go ?

A.    At the bakery shop

B.     At the book shop

C.     At the barber shop

D.    At the movie

E.     At the library 

           14.  X  : Are you happy today ?

            Y  : ….. I feel so sad

A.    Certainly                                       C. of course                                         E. you’re welcome

B.     Sure                                               D. No I’m not 

           15.  X : I want to meet Mr. hirotomo

            Y : is he ………………?

            X : yes, you’re right because he’s from Nagasaki

a.       French                  c. Cinese                      e. Japanese

b.      British                   d. German


Last week Mr. Jones was absent, because he was ill. So the boys had no French lessons. On Tuesday and Wednesday Mr. Haines took them instead and on Tuesday and Saturday they had extra period for private study.

        16.  When did the boys have private study?

A.     Tuesday and Wednesday                       C. Thursday and Friday          E. Friday and Saturday

B.     Tuesday and Saturday                             D. Monday     

        17.  What is Mr. Jones profession?

                   A.    A lecturer                                                  C. A policeman                       E.  A tutor

             B.   A French teacher                                      D. A headmaster                    

        18.  Miss Riza goes to shopping centre... wants to buy clothes and food.

A.    His                         B. He               C. She             D. Her                         E. Hers

        19.  I don't know the meaning of this word.  _______ I borrow your dictionary?

A.     should                                          C. could                                              E must

B.     might                                             D. can

        20.  Rina     : Hi, Jane. I hear that your brother John is going to celebrate his birthday? How old is He?           Jane     : He is 3 years older than me. I am 14 now

              Rina     : oh, he must be.... years old

A.    .12                         B. 16                           C. 14                           D. 11                           E. 17

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