So’al Latihan Simple Present Vs Present Progressive


Use simple present or present progressive

1.     I can’t afford that ring. It (cost) _______________ too much.

2.    Look. It begin _______________to rain. Unfortunately, I (have, not) _______________my umbrella with me. Tom is lucky. He (wear) _______________a raincoat.

3.    I (own, not) _______________an umbrella. I (wear) _______________a waterproof hat on rainy days.

4.    Right now I (look) _______________around the classroom. Yoko (write) _______________in her book. Carlos (bite) _______________his pencil. Wan-ning (scratch) _______________his head. Ahmed (stare) _______________out the window. He (seem) _______________to be daydreaming, but perhaps he (think) _______________hard about verb tenses. What (think, you) _______________Ahmed (do) _______________?

5.    There’s a book on my desk, but it (belong, not) _______________to me.

6.    Dennis (fix) _______________the roof of his house today, and (need) _______________some help. Can you help him?

7.    Barbara (tutor, often) _______________other students in her math class. This afternoon (help) _______________Steve with math assignment because he (understand, not) _______________the material they (work) on in their class this week.

8.    Right now, I (look) _______________at Janet. She (look) _______________angry. I wonder what’s the matter. She (have) _______________a frown on her face. She certainly (have, not) _______________any fun right now.

9.    A: who is that who (stand) _______________next to the window?

B: which woman? (talk, you) _______________about the woman who (wear) _______________the blue and gold dress?

A: no, I (talk, not) _______________about her. I (mean) _______________the woman who (wear) _______________the blue suit.

B: oh.I (know, not) _______________. I (recognize, not) _______________her.

10. A: close your eyes. Now listen carefully. What (hear, you) _______________? What (do, I) _______________?

B: I (believe) _______________ you (rub) _______________the top of your desk with your hand.

A: close, but not exactly right. Try again (listen, you) _______________carefully?

B: aha! You (rub) _______________hands together.

A: right!

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