Soal UTS



Berilah tanda silang (X) pada salah satu pilihan jawaban yang paling benar !


    1.      Fani                 : mom, can I go camping this weekend with my classmates

    Mother             : ….. you have a mid – test on Monday.

    a.       Certainly                                      c. I’m sorry you can’t.                  e. No, thanks

    b.      Sure                                              d. it doesn’t matter

    2.      Anang             : Dad, can I borrow your car? I need to go Alan’s  house to do our homework together

    Father              : …… Please make sure that you get home before 8 p.m.

    a.       I’m afraid you can’t                     c. yes, you can                                e. good

    b.      I’m sorry, I need the car               d. No, thanks

    3.      Anwar             : mom, would you please teach me how to make soto ayam ?

    Mother             : …….. Let’s go to the market. We have to buy the ingredients first

    a.       I’m sorry I can’t                             c. certainly                                    e. No

    b.      No, thanks                                      d. I’m not sure

    4.      KEEP OFF THE GRASS

The instruction above tell us …..

a.       To stay away from the grass                     c. not to treat the grass badly              e.  to step the grass

b.      To look after the grass                              d. not to step the grass

    5.      “Put all the ingredients into a bowl, and then mix them up.”

The instructions above are about. . ….

a.       How to keep the electronic tools safe.      c. how to operate a tool                      e. how to operate

b.      How to cook                                             d. how to keep kitchen tools clean

    6.      Waitress          : would you like a cup of tea?

    Anggun           : …….. I love tea. It’s good for healt

   a.       No, thanks                                     c. I don’t think so                                           e. I can’t

    b.      I’m sorry                                       d. sure

    7.      Cucun              : Mom, do you mind if I help you cook

    Mother             : of course not. Come and help me.

    From the conversation we know that …

a.       Mother doesn’t like cucun to help her cook

b.      Cucun asked her  mother  to help her cook

c.       Cucun doesn’t like cooking

d.      Mother accepted cucun’s  offer to help her cook

e.       Cucun happy

    8.      Fitri     : the weather is very hot today.

    Melly   : …… I think it can lower our body temperature

a.       What about eating some hot plate food.

b.      What about doing some exercises?

c.       What about going to the beach?

d.      What about eating ice cream?

e.       What about eating stone

    9.      Wahyu : can you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital.

    Ikhsan : …. Maybe you can ask the policemen over there.

a.       Sorry, I don’t live here                              c. next to the library                e. ok

b.      Yes, there is one across the street             d. behind the hotel.

    10.  Sarah   : do you know that a cheetah

    Linda   : wow, that’s amazing.

a.       Can run 120 km/hour                                c. can jump 120 km/hour         e. can’t run 120 km/hour

b.      Can walk 120 km/hour                              d. can’t run 120 km/hour

    11.  Tika     : What are you doing in your spare time ?

    Usih     : well,……..

    Tika     : can you teach me how to make an apple pie?

    Usih     : Sure

a.       I like reading novels                                  c. my hobby is playing badminton      e. I like dancing

b.      I love fishing                                             d. I like cooking

    12.  Wahyu : who is your favorite vocalist?

    Fahfu   : ………

a.       He’s a bad vocalist.                                   c. Ariel is the best vocalist ever          e. I am singers

b.      I don’t like him.                                        d. I am vocalist.

    13.  Yaya    : Ferry, look! Do you think I’m fatter than that girl?

    Ferry    : No,…..

a.       You’re taller                                              c. She’s fatter than you                       e. same with you

b.      It’s difficult                                              d. I don’t know.

    14.  Ayu         : mom, look ! I can make  my own cake

    Mother    : …. That looks delicious

a.       Good job!                                                  c. that’s awful                                     e. I don’t know

b.      You still need more practice                     d. where’s the cake

    15.  Rikal    : dad, I finally won a photography contest.

    Father  : ……

a.       Next time you must be a winner               c. do you the best                             e. I’ m sorry to hear that

b.      I’m proud of you                                      d. what a good photo!

    16.  Susan is the …………….. student in my class

        a.       Beautiful                                                   c. more Beautiful                                e. Beautifulest

        b.      Most Beautiful                                          d. Beautifuler

    17.  Desy is ……… Than Alicia

        a.       Beautifuler                                                c. more Beautiful                                e. Beautiful

        b.      Beautifulest                                               d. most Beautiful

    18.  Mount everst is the ………… in the word.

        a.       Higher                                                       c. more high                                        e. high

        b.      Highest                                                      d. most high

    19.  Today is ……. Than yesterday.

        a.       Hot                                                            c. hotter                                               e. most hot

        b.      More Hot                                                  d. hottest

    20.  Dina    : Gita Gutawa  is singing perfectly

    Riska   : yes,…..

    a.       She has such a voice of an angel              c. She is beautiful                                e. He is good

    b.      She needs more practice                           d. She is good


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