Soal Ulangan Comparative.

 Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan comparative form dari adjective di dalam kurung.

1. Her cook is ………………… (spicy) than my mother cook.
2. The building is ……………. (high) than his company.
3. Rony’s design is ……………………. (bad) than other designs.
4. Living in London is ………………………. (expensive) than New York.
5. She couldn’t be ……………………… (thrilled) to work with him.
6. Do you have a …………………………. (sharp) knife than this?
7. The harvest this month is …………………………. (little) than zero.
8. What is ………………….. (important) than family?
9. The banana flaky is ………………………. (crunchy) than cassava flaky.
10. The patient needs ……………….. (much) support after the accident.
11. Rita can walk ……………………… (far) than you think.
12. I want to get a job ……………………… (good) than before.
13. My sister play a music ………………………… (slow) than last night.
14. My sister always gets a winner in the class. She is ……………………… (dilligent) than my brother.
15. His performance is …………… (bright) than other stars.
16. Clara’s hair is ……………. (curly) than Sophia’s.
17. I was ………………………. (embarrassed) than Alex about the test scores.
18. The spring garden was ………………. (lovely) than the fall display of flowers.
19. Rio is a kind person but he is ………………… (compassionate) than Tio.
20.She looks …………………. (fresh) than last week.

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