Report Presesntation


Expressing Asking and Giving Information

Asking Information

Excuse me, Can You tell me why did you do observation……

Could you explain….

Would you show us…..

When did the project start…

Who make the finace report?

How the machine work?

Giving Information

Sure, because…

It works…..

I took it from…….

Example of Conversation

Teacher : It’s wonderful presentation. My question is with whom did you fix the machine?

Student : The mechanics. They helped and guided me well. They taught me many things about repairing car.

Teacher : Awesome. So you means you got many lessons and experiences when you were internship?

Student : That’s right. The owner and mechanics were so helpful and generous.

Expressing of Making Presentation


– Ladies and gentlemen

– Distinguished/honourable guests/school principle/teachers/ my friends…….

– My beloved teachers/friends/….

– Good afternoon

– Thank you for your attention




– Allow me to introduce myself. I am penina.

– Let me introduce myself. My name is Penina



– Feel free to ask questions

– I will take questions at the end of the presentation



– I am standing here is because I would like to present my report…..

– Today, I’d like to report on my apprentice activity in Yotefa Constraction Company.



– The main reason why Yotefa Constraction Company fail to get bridget project two months ago. First,…second,…..third,…..


Question and Answer Session

– Any questions?



– It’s the end of our presentation

– We’ve come to the end of the presentation/conclusion

– Finally,…

– To end up my presentation, I’d like to say once again…

– I would like to conclude that…

– To sum up, I would like to stressonce more on…..

– Thank you. 

ada 10 cara menunjukkan presentasi yang efektif, yaitu :

Tunjukkan Passion anda

Mulailah dengan pembukaan presentasi yang memukau

Sampaikan dengan singkat dan lugas

Bersikap rileks

Menggunakan teknologi

Kuasai peralatan anda

Lakukan kontak mata

Kenali audiens

Perhatikan penampilan, dan

Bersikap profesional.


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