How to create a good Introduction?


The thing you should know is about the 3 main points in conveying a material:

§  Opening

§  Main Idea

§  Closing

A.   Opening

Is the first step where you should open by saying greeting.

Greeting has 2 types:

§  Formal / Official: Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening.

§  Informal / Unofficial: Hi, Hello

Example in the sentence:

    Good morning Mr. Rudolph, I would like to introduce myself. (Formal)

    Hi friends, I will introduce myself. (Informal)

B.     Main Idea

Is the essence of the material to be delivered. In this case the Introduction.

What are the content in Introduction?

·         Name

·         Place and Date Born

·         Age

·         Address

·         Status

·         Religion

·         Blood Code

·         Hobby

·         Family Background

1.       Name

Name there are 2 kinds:

·         Full Name - Original Name

·         Nick Name - Popular Name

2.       Place and Date Born

To make a sentence about Place and Date Born you will use the preposition:

·         In to Place

·         On for Date

Example in Sentence:

I was born in Texas on 31 October 1998

3.       Age

Example in Sentence:

·         I am 18 years old.

4.        Address

Example in Sentence:

·         I live in Texas. Still common

·         I live at Austin No 40 Round Rock, Texas. Specific lebis

5.       Status / Status

Status has 2 types:

·         Marital Status / Relationship

·         Occupation

Example in Sentence:

·         I am single. - Marital Status.

·         I am a student. - Occupation.

6.        Religion

Example in Sentence:

*     I am a Moslem.

·         If you are Muslim - I am a Moslem.

·         If you are Christian - I am a Christian.

·         If you are Hindus - I am a Hindoo.

·         If you are Buddhist-I am a Buddhist.

7.       Blood Code

Example in Sentence:

·         My blood code is O

8.       Hobby

·      Hobbies are important in delivering introductory material / Introduction. Because of the hobby of chatter can be closer and familiar.

Example in Sentence :

·         I like playing the guitar and listening to the music.

9.        Family Background

For Family Background, you can simply introduce your family in general.

Before introducing your family, it's a good idea to open it using the following sentence:

·         I would like to tell my family.

C.      Closing

Is a cover sentence or often called Leave Taking

Example in Sentence:

·         I think that's enough. Thanks for your time and your attention. It's nice to see you.

Choose the right answer a,b,c or d for the questions below !

Dialogue 1

Nadin : Good morning, First of all I would like to introduce my self. my full name is Nadina Salsabillah Putri, and may I know your name?

Fairuz  : Good morning too, I would like to introduce my self to you. My name is Fairuz Athallah Huda.

1.    What form of introducing above ?

a.    Informal introduction            

b.    Formal introduction

c.     a and b right

d.    Ordinary conversation 

e.    Old conversation                     

Dialogue 2

Deni      :  Hello, Ahmad.

Ahmad  :  Hi, Deni. Nice to see you.

Deni      :  Nice to see you, too. How are you?

Ahmad  :  Fine, thank you. And you?

Deni      :  I am quite well, thanks.

2.    The italicized expressions above to express....

a.     an advice

b.     a complaint

c.     an introduction myself

d.     a informal greeting

e.     an education

Mona is a new member of iTapuih club. She introduces herself.

3.    Mona : Ladies and Gentlemen _______ .

a. Allow me to introduce myself

b. I'm happy to meet you

c. Let me introduce you to the audience

d. May I introduce you to the audience

e. I'm sorry to meet you

Andy : ______ .

Mona : Not so bad

4.    To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ?

a. Hello

b. Nice to meet you

c. Hi

d. How is everything with you?

e. How do you do

 May I introduce myself?

5.       The underlined word has the same meaning as?

a.  Acquaint       

b.  Deduce         

c.  Contest

d.  Annoy

e.  Happy

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