Contoh Dialog Giving Offers dan Terjemahannya


Banyu : Ouch…my back hurts.

 Sinta : Are you alright, Banyu?

 Banyu : No, I am not. I feel pain in my back while lifting these boxes.

 Sinta : Let me help you. Because I do not have anything to do. (1)

 Banyu : Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you very much, Sinta. (2)

 Sinta : That’s fine.

 Kalimat (1) merupakan ungkapan untuk memberi tawaran atau giving offer. Lebih tepatnya tawaran pertolongan.

 Kalimat (2) merupakan ungkapan menerima tawaran atau accepting offer.




Banyu : Aduh…punggungku sakit.

 Sinta : Apakah kamu baik-baik saja, Banyu?

 Banyu : Tidak. Punggungku terasa sakit saat mengangkat kotak-kotak ini.

 Sinta : Mari aku bantu. Karena aku sedang senggang.

 Banyu : Baik. Terimakasih banyak, Sinta.

 Sinta : Tidak apa-apa.


Contoh Dialog Giving Suggestions dan Terjemahan:

Andrew : Mom, I need a new bag and a pair of shoes.

 Mom : What do you need the most between those two?

 Andrew : I am not sure, Mom.

 Mom : Okay then. How about I buy you a new bag first and then next month I will give

             you a new pair of shoes? (1)

 Andrew : That sounds great. Because I have my old shoes. I think I still can wear it for a couple months. (2)

 Kalimat (1) merupakan ungkapan memberi saran atau giving suggestion, dan kalimat (2) adalah ungkapan menerima saran / accepting suggestion.

 1. Ronaldo: Sir, would you like me to close the window for you?    

    Mr. Adi: Yes, please. It’s very cold inside.

The underlined sentence express:

A. Asking help

B. Offering help

C. Refusing something

D. Accepting an offer

E. Suggestion

2. Ela: Mom, do you need some help? You look so busy this morning.    

Mom: Of course, dear. I need another pair of hands to wash the dish.

 The underlined sentence expresses …….

 A. Accepting help

 B. Offering help

C. Refusing help

D. Looking for something

 E. Apologizing

3. Bob: Sony, will you give me that book?    

Sony: Sure, ………

Complete the dialogue above with right expression ……….

A. I don’t want to.

B. I am busy today

C. I will

D. I will not

E. I have to go




4. Elsa: Will you help me to build a snowman?

Olaf: Yes, of course. ………

Complete the dialogue above ….

A. I won’t

 B. I willl

C. I will not

D. Will I?

 E. Shall I?

5. Romy: May I help you ?    

Deny: Hmmm. Don’t bother yourself, thanks.

The underlined sentence express ….

A. Asking help

B. Giving help

C. Offering help

D. Refusing an offer

E. Accepting an offer

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