Taking simple phone message is something that is important and useful in every language. At home or at work, we might need this skill when we receive a call on the phone and need to pass a message for others. We'll discuss how to take a simple phone message in this post.
We often find ourselves in a situation when we receive a phone call for someone who's not there and there's a message we need to take for that person. There are some useful different phrases we can use for that.
When calling someone
- Hello, can I speak to [name], please?
- Good morning/afternoon. This is [your name]. I would like to speak to [name].
If you're the caller and the person you want to talk to is not there, you can leave a message. Here's some other useful phrases you can use.
- I would like to speak to [name] about ...
- Could you ask [name] to call me back at ... pm?
- Do you know when he/she will be back?
When receiving the call
- Hello, [your name] speaking.
- Good morning/afternoon. [your name] speaking.
- Good morning/afternoon. This is [your company name and your name] speaking. May I help you?
When a caller asks for someone who's not there
- I'm sorry. He/she is not at home/in the office at the moment. ... [provide the reason here].
May I take a message?
- [Name] is not here, yet. Can I take a message?
- I'm sorry. He's in a meeting now. Would you like to leave a message?
- She's on a vacation leave now. May I take a message?
When the message is not clear, you can ask the caller to repeat.
- Could you speak more slowly, please?
- Could you repeat that, please?
- Could you spell that, please?
Let's take a look at the dialogue below as an example.
Dialogue I – Home PC
Clerk: Hi, how may I help you with? (Hai, bisa saya bantu?)
Buyer: I’m interested in buying a computer. Do you have any recommendations? (Saya tertarik membeli komputer. Apa Anda punya rekomendasi?)
Clerk: Well, what do you plan on using the computer for? (Rencananya, Anda akan menggunakan komputernya untuk apa?)
Buyer: I am using the computer mostly for storing all my photos and music. (Saya akan menggunakan komputernya untuk menyimpan foto dan musik)
Clerk: Would you like to go with laptop? It’s more mobile. (Apakah Anda mau menggunakan laptop? Laptop lebih mudah dibawa ke mana-mana)
Buyer: Actually I’ve already had one for editing and composing. I’m thinking of a home PC so the kids can also learn to use it because I don’t want to give them tablets nor laptops. (Sebenarnya saya sudah punya laptop untuk dipakai mengedit dan menggubah. Saya berpikiran menggunakan PC agar anak-anak bisa belajar menggunakannya sebab saya tidak ingin memberi mereka tablet atau laptop)
Clerk: Well, since you’re going to be saving a lot of media I would suggest a computer with a lot of memory…like this one. (Baiklah, sebab Anda akan menyimpan banyak media, saya akan menyarankan komputer dengan kapasitas memori besar…seperti yang ini)
Buyer: Looks great. How much is that? (Kelihatannya bagus. Berapa harganya?)
Clerk: You can have this for $360, and you’ll get a computer table as a bonus. (Anda bisa membelinya seharga $360, dan Anda akan mendapat bonus meja komputer)
Buyer: It comes with the keyboard and mouse, doesn’t it? (Sudah termasuk keyboard dan mouse-nya, kan?)
Clerk: It does already. (Ya, sudah)
Buyer: Alright, I’ll take it. (Baik, akan saya ambil)
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