1. "Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash?"

"Yes, ....... to the headquarters of Garuda."

A.    they are faxed

B.     has faxed

C.     the victims fax

D.    it has been faxed

E.     was fax it

2. "The hotel is suffering a great loss."

"Yes, only ten perfect of their rooms ......

A.    being occupied

B.     occupied

C.    is occupied

D.    are occupied

E.     they are occupied

3. “Why aren't you driving your own car?"

“It ..... “

A.    has sold

B.     has to sell

C.     has been selling

D.    has been sold

E.     has to be sold

4. "Why can't I find the file on the annual report in the computer?"

"Because it .... in the hard disk."

A.    was not saving

B.     not saved

C.     did not saved

D.    not being saved

E.     was not saved

5. "There was no longer a rule for the youth to enter millitary service in Britain.

Really, when .... ?"

A.    was It abolishing

B.     did it abolish

C.    was it abolished

D.    was it to be abolished

E.     to be abolished

6. They had just been living in that house for two years when ..... by fire.

A.    destroyed

B.     had destroyed

C.    was destroyed

D.    be destroyed

E.     was destroying

7. "Bambang looks very happy today."

"Don't you know he ..... to General Manager."

A.    has promoted

B.     to be promoted

C.     being promoted

D.    has to promoted

E.     has been promoted

8. "Why does the baby next door keep crying ?"

"As usual, it .... by the babysitter."

A.    is neglected

B.     is neglecting

C.     neglect

D.    is to be neglected

E.     is to neglect

9. Why are the students staying outside ?

Their classroom ....

A.    is being cleaned

B.     being cleaned

C.     was cleaned

D.    is cleaning

E.     cleans

10. The play I am reading ....

A.    has never performed

B.     never performed

C.     never being performed

D.    has never been performed

E.     never performs



11. If I … (finish) my assignment tonight, I will go to Mall with my friends.

A.    finish

B.     finishes

C.     would finish

D.    had finished

E.     have

12. If you cook vegetables for long time, they … (lose) their nutrients.

A.    lose

B.     loses

C.     had lose

D.    would lose

E.     have

13. I would never lend to you if I … (know) before.

A.    know

B.     knows

C.    knew

D.    had known

E.     have

14. If we … (wake up) earlier, we would have reached school.

A.    wake up

B.     woke up

C.     woken up

D.    had woken up

E.     have up

15. Dinda would buy tens luxury houses if she … (win) the lottery.

A.    win

B.     wins

C.    won

D.    had won

E.     have win

16. If the Sun rises on the west, the world … (end)

A.    end

B.     ends

C.     ended

D.    will end

E.     will have

17. They … (bring) the cake if the baker had finished it.

A.    brought

B.     had brought

C.     would brought

D.    would have brought

E.     have brought

18. Ramadhan will be so silent if Corona … (not;leave) soon.

a.       not leave

b.      don’t leave

c.       doesn’t leave

d.      had left

e.       have brought

19. If today is your birthday, I … (give) you present.

a.       give

b.      gives

c.       will give

d.      would give

e.       have brought

20. Nothing is going to change my love for you if you always … (love) me too.

a.      love

b.      loves

c.       loving

d.      will love

e.       have love


The platypus is a semi-aquatic mammal endemic to East to North Australia, including Tazmania. It is one of the five extreme species of mono-dreams. The only mammal that lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young. The body and the broad flat tail of these animals are covered with dense brown fur, that traps a lay including ear to keep the animals warm. It uses its tail for story joy fact. It has webbed feet and the large robbery’s net. These are species that are be closer to those of ducks, then to these any known mammals. Weight varies considerably from 0.7 to 2.4 kg with males being larger than females. And male averages 50 cm total length whiles the female major approximately 45 cm. The platypus has an average temperature of 32 degrees Celsius rather than 37 degrees Celsius that is typical of the placental mammals.


21. What animal is being described in the monologue?

A.    Octopus.

B.     Rhinoceros.

C.    Platypus

D.    Mosquitos.

E.     Hippopotamus.

22. How much does the Platypus weigh?

A.    0.7 to 2.4 kg

B.     0.7 to 2.5 kg.

C.     0.7 to 2.6 kg.

D.    0.7 to 2.7 kg.

E.     0.7 to 2.8 kg.


The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding seas. An adult male weighs about four hundred to six hundred and eighty kilograms, while an adult female is about half that size. Although it is closely related to the brown bear, it has paws to occupy a narrow ecological niche with many bony characteristics adapted to for cold temperatures, for moving across the snow, ice, open water, and for hunting seals which make up most of its diets. Although most of polar bears are born on land, it spends most of its time at sea, hence its name meaning maritime bear and can hunt consistently only from sea ice. It spends much of the year on frozen sea.

23. What does the adult male bear weigh?

A.    400 – 480 kg

B.     400 – 680 kg

C.     480 – 600 kg

D.    680 – 880 kg

E.     880 – 1500 kg

24. Where did the animal live?

A.    In the Arctic Ocean

B.     In the Indian Ocean.

C.     In the Pacific Ocean.

D.    In the North Atlantic Ocean.

E.     In the South Atlantic Ocean.



Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group as lizards (the scaled group, Squamata) but from a sub-group of their own (Serpentes).

Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along. Snakes are not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the ground.

Snakes often sun bathe on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes are cold-blooded; they need the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies up.

Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass and in old logs.

A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizard, and mice and other snakes. The Anaconda can eat small crocodiles and even bears. Many snakes protect themselves with their fangs. Some snakes are protected by scaring their enemies away like the Cobra. The flying snakes glide away from danger. Their ribs spread apart and the skin stretches out. Its technique is just like the sugar gliders.

25. Since the snakes are cold-blooded, they…

A.    like sucking the cool blood

B.     avoid sun-bathing to their skins

C.     never sun bathe in the warm weather

D.    live on the ground in deserted burrows

E.     require the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies


In Australia there are three levels of governments, the federal government, state governments and local governments. All of these levels of government are necessary. This is so for number of reasons. First, the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after like defensE. Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things. For example they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in school. Finally, local government look after the small thins. They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have diseasE. Thus for the reason above, we can conclude that the three levels of the government are necessary.

26. What kind of text is this?

A.    Analytical Exposition

B.     Report

C.     Hortatory Exposition

D.    Explanation Text

E.     Descriptive text



27. Who is responsible for defense?

A.    Federal government

B.     State Government

C.     Federal and State Government

D.    Federal and Local Government

E.     Local Government

28. The litter management is the responsibility of ….

A.    all governments

B.     Australia

C.     Federal government

D.    State governement

E.     Local government

There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculturE. Pesticides which are commonly used may cause many problems. I think combining different management operations is the most effective way to control pests.

Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides may build up as residues in the environment and in the soil which absorbs the chemicals. This reduces the quality of farm product.

Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means that newer and stronger ones have to be developed.

Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and animals such as fish and bees. This affects the ecology and environment as well.

So, understanding of ecology of an area helps a lot in pest control. Pesticides should be chosen and applied carefully so that they don’t affect the ecological balance and environment.

Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option to fight pest in agriculture and livestock.

29. Which of the following is not directly affected by pesticides used?

A.    Plants

B.     Ecology

C.     Animals.

D.    Environment.

E.     Human Beings

30. What can you say about paragraph two and four?

A.    The fourth paragraph supports the idea stated in paragraph two.

B.     Both paragraphs tell about the disadvantages of using pesticides.

C.     Both paragraphs tell about how pesticides affect the quality of farm products.

D.    The statement in paragraph is contrary to the statement in paragraph four.

E.     The second paragraph tells about the effects of using pesticides on animals mentioned in paragraph four.



31. Dinda ........ (will) erase all policies she hated if she … (be) a president. Type 2

32. If my brother … (study) hard, he ...........  passed the exam well.Type 3

Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as ornaments or as money. Gold is found in many places, but in a small supply. It is often found on the surface of the earth. Since gold is a heavy substance, it is sometimes found loose on bottom of rivers. The gold is found together with sand and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is simple to search for this type of gold. It is not usually necessary to drill for gold, but when a layer of gold is located deep below the surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a hole into the ground. Engineers have developed modern process for removing gold from rocks. Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes melted and added to other substances for making rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced forever because it is beautiful, rare, and useful.

33. The best title of the text above is …..

34. The following are associated with gold, EXCEPT …..

As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents.

Firstly, cars, as we all know contribute the most of pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger of asthmA. Some of these illness are so bad that people can die from them.

Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander every where and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to diE. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.

Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or concentrate in your homework, and especially talk to someonE.

In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

35. What type of the text above?

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