Penjelasan Tentang Suggestions (Saran)

Adalah sebuah saran yang diberikan kepada seseorang,secara baik dan benar.

Making Suggestions (membuat saran)

Jenis-jenis Suggestions

I don’t think.....(saya tidak berfikir)

Why don’t me..... (kenapa tidak kita)

What do you feel about....(apa yang kamu fikir tentang)

I suggest that...(saya menyarankan kamu)

Accepting Suggestions (menyetujui saran)

Yes,Let’s go (Ya,ayo pergi)

Yes,let’s (Ya ayo)

Ok,If you say so.(Ok,jika kamu berkata seperti itu)

Declining suggestions (menolak saran)

No,Thank you.(tidak terimakasih)

Sorry,I think (maaf,saya pikir)

Sorry,I can’t

Contoh Kalimatnya :

a.  = I suggest that you go to library.(saya menyerankan kamu pergi keperpustakaan)

b. = Yes,Let’s go.(Ya,ayok pergi)


Penjelasan Tentang OFFERS

Adalah sebuah cara yang digunkan untuk menyampaikan penawaran kepada seseorang,secara benar dan sopan.

Making offers (membuat penawaran)

Jenis-jenis Making offers

Can I....?(dapatkah saya...?)

May I....?(bolehkah saya...?)

Shall I....?(haruskah saya...?)

Would you...?(Maukah kamu...?


Accepting offers (menyetujui penawaran)

Jenis-jenis Accepting offers

Thank you,I appreciate your help.(Terimakasih,saya menghargai bantuan mu)


Ye,Of course.(Ya,tentu)


Declining offers (menolak tawaran)

Jenis-jenis Declining offers

No,Thanks you,(tidak terimakasih)

It’s okay,I can do it my self.(ini,tidak apa-apa saya bisa melakukan ini sendiri)

Don’t worry,I can do it my self.(Jangan kwatir,saya bisa melakukan ini sendiri)


Contoh Dalam Kalimatnya :

a: Can I help you?(dapatkah saya membantu kamu?)

b:Yes,please.(Ya, tolonglah)


a:May I dinner with your family tonight?(Bolehkah saya makan malam dengan keluarga mu?)

b: Yes,of course.(Ya, tentu)


a:Shall I give you money?(haruskah saya memberi kamu uang?)

b:No,Thank you,(Tidak,terimaksih)


a:Would you marriage with me?(maukah kamu menikah dengan ku?)

b: Yes,of course.(Ya, tentu)


Student : Is it okay to leave a bicycle in this way?

a teacher : No, it isn’t. leave it in that corner, near the gate

The underlined utterance is used for

A offering help

B giving suggestion

C doing something

D offering something

E Introducing others


Amir : Shall we have a picnic to Watu Ulo this weekend?

Iwan : ................., I’m sure we’ll have some fun there

A That's good idea

B what s strange journey

C I'm sorry to hear that

D I agree

E It's okay


Dina : ..................................

Dewi : I’d love to, but I’ve an appointment with my mother


A Do you like to join me tomorrow?

B How about going to the fine art exhibition tomorrow?

C Is there any more interested in seeing the art exhibition

D I’ll be grateful if I go to the art exhibition

E The fine art exhibition is great



Mother : Don’t talk too much while you are eating. That’s impolite.

Arni : I'm sorry, mum.

A Offering

B Ordering

C Discussing

D Suggesting

E Requesting


Rony : I’m thinking of asking you for dinner

Dany : I’m free but ….......

A It sounds good

B You can invite others

C I will join in the next time

D There aren’t many papers to do

E I’ll have an appointment at the same time

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