Passive Voice



Bentuk kalimat aktif dan pasif mungkin sudah tidak asing dalam telinga kita. Tak hanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dalam Bahasa Inggris pun juga dikenal kedua jenis kalimat ini. Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membahas mengenai kalimat pasif alias passive voice mulai dari definisi sampai juga contoh kalimatnya.


Definisi Passive Voice

Dilansir dari The Writing Center, passive voice merupakan “a passive construction occurs when you make the object of an action into the subject of a sentence. That is, whoever or whatever is performing the action is not the grammatical subject of the sentence.” Dari definisi di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa passive voice subjek kalimat tidak melakukan aksi melainkan menerima aksi. Misalnya dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kata kerja menjadi berawal di-, seperti: disapu, disetir, dimakan, dan sebagainya. Hal ini juga berlaku dalam Bahasa Inggris sehigga kata kerja biasanya akan ditambahkan akhiran -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, atau -ne. Contohnya:


Some flowers are planted by my parents.

My phone was stolen.

Rumus Passive Voice

Tak hanya mengubah kata kerja saja, passive voice ternyata memiliki rumus yang perlu kamu perhatikan dalam membuat kalimat. Rumus ini lebih mengutamakan grammar sehingga kamu bisa menyesuaikannya dengan kondisi dan waktu yang kamu alami.


1.Simple present tense

Tense ini memiliki rumus: S + is/am/are + V3. Contoh kalimat:

He is beaten by all his competitors.

Heart disease is considered the leading cause of death in the United States.

I am thrown to the pool last night.


2.Simple past

Tense ini memiliki rumus: S + was/were + v3. Contoh kalimat:

She was already gone.

We were confused by the unclear regulation that was announced on campus.



3.Simple future

Tense ini memiliki rumus: S + will be + v3. Contoh kalimat:

It will be made into a nice sweater.

The leftover will be eaten by stray cats.

My office mate will be placed in another city.


4.Simple past future

Tense ini memiliki rumus: S + would/should + be + V3. Contoh kalimat:

I would be asked first in this job interview.

These clothes should be delivered on time to their owner.

My desk should be placed in the corner of my room.


5.Present continuous

tense ini, kamu bisa membentuk kalimat dengan rumus: S + is/am/are + being + V3. Contoh:

The tasks are being done by herself.

The trophy is being won by our team.

Our used clothes are being sold for charity.


6.Past continuous

Adapun rumusnya adalah s + was/were + being +V3. Contoh:

My neighbor’s house was being robbed last night.

The trees were being cut every day.

She was being lifted by a police officer.


7.Future continuous

Rumus yang digunakan dalam tense ini adalah s + will be + V3. Contoh:

This room will be cleaned at the moment.

Those racks will be emptied for some new stuff.

My favorite series will be released next summer.

Baca juga: Dongeng Bahasa Inggris Singkat 3-5 Menit untuk Anak Terbaru


8.Past future continuous

Rumus yang digunakan dalam tense ini adalah s + would/should + be + V3. Contoh:

You should be promoted as a manager.

The public pool should be cleaned daily in order to spread the virus.

The donut shop near my house should be expanded to get more visitors.


9.Present perfect continuous

Tense ini memiliki rumus s + have/has + been + V3. Contoh:

She has been betrayed by her own best friend.

The grass has been mowed by the automatic mowing machine.

The journal has been translated into 6 different languages.


10.Past perfect continuous

Tense ini memiliki rumus s + had + been + V3. Adapun contoh kalimatnya adalah:

The children had been educated well by their mother.

I had been deceived so many times when I was with him.


11.Future perfect continuous

Untuk menggunakan tense ini, ada rumus yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu s + would + have + been + v3. Adapun contoh kalimatnya adalah:

The computer would have been hacked if they didn’t set up the new security systems.

These fruits would have been rotten.

Those patients would have been treated.


12.Past future perfect continuous

Tense ini memiliki rumus s + would/should + have + been + V3. Contoh kalimatnya adalah:

She should have been married to a doctor.

The fire would have been gone if the firefighter came on time.

Di bawah ini adalah beberapa passive voice dalam Bahasa Inggris yang dibedakan berdasarkan verb tenses.



To Be     Past Participle    Tense

The butter          is             kept here.           Present Simple

The window       was        broken.                Past Simple

The work             will be   done soon.         Future Simple

The bridge          is being repaired.             Present Continuous

The cheese         was being            eaten by mice.  Past Continuous

Our work             has been             finished.              Present Perfect

The car hadn’t been       used much.        Past Perfect

The house           would have been             built by then.     Future Perfect

The shelf             can’t be                reached.              Modal Verb – Can

The task               must be               finished now.    Modal Verb – Must

The lesson          may be done.    Modal Verb – May

The car ought to be        repaired.             Modal Verb


Di bawah ini adalah beberapa passive voice dalam Bahasa Inggris yang dibedakan berdasarkan verb tenses.

To Be

Past Participle


The butter


kept here.

Present Simple

The window



Past Simple

The work

will be

done soon.

Future Simple

The bridge

is being


Present Continuous

The cheese

was being

eaten by mice.

Past Continuous

Our work

has been


Present Perfect

The car

hadn’t been

used much.

Past Perfect

The house

would have been

built by then.

Future Perfect

The shelf

can’t be


Modal Verb – Can

The task

must be

finished now.

Modal Verb – Must

The lesson

may be


Modal Verb – May

The car

ought to be


Modal Verb



1.       I eat brown rice and green beans.

A.      Brown rice and green beans is ate by me.

B.      Brown rice and green beans is eaten by me.

C.      Brown rice and green beans are ate by me.

D.      Brown rice and green beans are eaten by me.

E.       Brown rice and green beans is eaten by I.



2.       She returned all the products.

A.      All the products was returned by her.

B.      All the products were returned by her.

C.      All the products were returned by him

D.      All the products were returned by Me

E.       All the products were returned by i


3.       They were going to learn English.

A.      English was going to be learned by them.

B.      English was go to be learned by them.

C.      English was going to be learned by they.

D.      English was going to be learned by him.

E.       English was going to be learned by her.


4.       Dimas said that he … to hometown the following day.

A.      were going to go back

B.      was going to go back

C.      was go to go back

D.      has going to go back

E.       is going to go back


5.       I was sure that the employer … me after receiving my resume.

A.      would contacted

B.      would contact

C.      wIll contact

D.      could contact

E.       had contact



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