The Increasing Number of Child Abuse in USA

            The data collected by Agency for Children Welfare in USA shocked both the President of United States and the citizen. It showed there that the number of children abuse cases, reported, was increasing more than 70% than five years ago which was 128.099 cases. And this condition, which means 12 ount of 50 children in USA are under abuse, is really worrying.
            This condition is more worrying because the victims here are children who most of them time to do not know what to do when they are abused. Moreover the term between child abuse and child discipline is difficult to measure, mostly in developing countries.
            In USA, an action can be categorized as child abuse when the acts intentionally result in physical or emotional harm to children. The term child abuse covers a wide range of behavior, from actual physical assault by parent or other adult caretakers to neglect of a child’s basic needs.
            We must pay serious attention to this because the consequences of child abuse and neglect can be devastating and far-reaching. Physical injuries can range from bruises, scrapes, and burn to brain damage, permanent disabilities, and death. The psychological  effects of abuse and neglect can last a lifetime and many include a lowered sense of self-worth, an inability to relate to peers, reduced attention span, and learning disorders. In severe cases, abuse may result in psychiatric disorders like depression, excessive anxiety, or identity disorder, as well as an increased risk of suicide. Behavior problems often develop after abuse, including violence and juvenile crime.
            Based on the shocking condition above, the government should take an immerse action to protect the children from worse condition. Those children who are now under some abuse must be immediately secured by taking them out of the family and palace them in saver condition under authorized watch. For those who commit child abuse should be punished and for worse, if parents, may lose custody over their children.

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